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All parts » EFSA European Species Championship - 2007 (Iceland, Westman Islands)

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Skiper mate Petter is always near by to help And skiper Jonny is ready to filet the fish Now its time to have a good dinner before the competition starts
Opening ceremony - Russian flag rasing by Stanislav Radzishevsky Hamish is preparing the Scotish team flag All flags from 11 countries are up and waving
Almost 100 anglers in attendance including brave lady Ria despite of her injured leg Elena and Alexandr with Hamish Holms, Scotsman EFSA General Secretay Russian and Soviet flags were also raised in front of our team HQs in the Hamar Guesthouse
And finally the competition has started and we are out in the see! Some competition boats were smaller, some bigger Filling in fishing score cards on a boat

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Dear friends ! Our Norwegian friends invited us to take part in the Lofoten...

Dear friends ! We are delighted to announce that the Russian EFSA section...
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Daiwa Sealine Tournament SLX50 SHV - the high speed 6.1:1 ratio reel